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Keswick Convention Features The God Question

​In week three of the 2014 Keswick Convention, Exploring The God Question was featured as one of the principal seminars. The town’s cinema was the venue for four hour long sessions in which producer Iain Morris unravelled the key issues in the science/God debate. Each of the first three sessions focused on one of the three series themes: Cosmos, Life on Earth and Mind and Consciousness. Session four explored a fundamentally important related theme: Can the Truth be Discerned?

Each day the venue was full well before the starting time with large numbers of additional people unable to get seats. Some members of the fourth day’s audience gained entry for the first time, having been turned away on other occasions on account of the health and safety restrictions on cinema capacity. Consequently, with the audience purchase of many of the God Question resources, the series and its impact continue to spread across the UK.