The Search for Meaning and Truth Online Store

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This website, its Store and the Study Guide are all available in Traditional and Simplified Mandarin. The programmes can be accessed with Traditional or Simplified Mandarin subtitles.
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Science and God
Science and God: Full Series on PODPlayer
The three programmes of the series compare and contrast how Christianity, Buddhism, Daoism and atheism answer the big questions of existence. In doing so we explore the cosmos, life on earth and the wonders of human consciousness. Buy all three programmes and save!

Science and God
Heavens Above on PODPlayer
In this programme explore the wonders of the cosmos and discover how Christianity, Buddhism, Daoism and atheism answer the question of how it all began and why it is so wonderfully ordered. How do these answers align with the scientific story of how we got here?

Science and God
Life on Earth on PODPlayer
The orthodox scientific explanation of how life developed and became so varied on earth is rooted in the work of Charles Darwin. But how does this align – or does not align – with religious explanations? The greatest potential clash seemed to be with the Bible and its Genesis story. So are the two in conflict? This programme explores the evidence.

Science and God
Conscious Minds on PODPlayer
The human brain may be the most awesome phenomenon in the whole of the universe. But does its complexity and the wonder it inspires in us point to the existence of a transcendent creator or creative force behind the universe? Is there evidence for life after death? How do Christianity, Buddhism, Daoism and atheism answer these questions and based on what evidence?